Beyond the Tolerable Surface of Death
Bucharest: Eikon, 2024. [In Romanian.]

Romanian Philosophy in a Nutshell
From Maiorescu to Noica
Bucharest: Eikon, 2024. [In Romanian.]

The Hidden Present
Studies in phenomenology and theology
Bucharest: Eikon, 2024. [In Romanian.]

The Seeker and His Cross
Bucharest: Eikon, 2022. [In Romanian.]

Philosophy in a Nutshell
Vol. 1, From the Presocratics to Hegel
Bucharest: Eikon, 2021. [In Romanian.]

Philosophy in a Nutshell
Vol. 2, From Schopenhauer to Postmodernism
Bucharest: Eikon, 2021. [In Romanian.]

The Visible Side of Love
In Defense of the Christian Faith
Cluj-Napoca: Renașterea, 2019. [In Romanian.]

When Love is the Name of Truth
Studies on Theology and Philosophy
București: Eikon, 2018. [In Romanian.]

Paradoxes and Kneels
Thoughts on Philosophy and Faith
București: Eikon, 2017. [In Romanian.]

Apology after the End of Metaphysics
Theology and Phenomenology in Jean-Luc Marion
București: Eikon, 2016. [In Romanian.]

Postmodernism and Apophatic Theology
An Apology against Weak Thought
Florești, Cluj: Limes, 2014. [In Romanian.]

Marx and Religion
An Introduction
Cluj-Napoca: Eikon, 2013. [In Romanian.]

Abyss and the Other Love
Florești, Cluj: Limes, 2012. [In Romanian.]

Faith as Philosophy
Marginalia to the Thought of the Christian Tradition
Cluj-Napoca: Eikon, 2011. [In Romanian.]

Beginning of Suspicion
Kant, Hegel & Feuerbach on Religion and Philosophy
Cluj-Napoca: Eikon, 2011. [In Romanian.]

On Master and Other Encounters
Essays & Reviews
Cluj-Napoca: Limes, 2010. [In Romanian.]

God of Small Thoughts
Cluj-Napoca: Limes, 2009. [In Romanian.]

Cioran or the Excess as Philosophy
Cluj-Napoca: Limes, 2008. [In Romanian.]